Interested in screening YOUTH v GOV with your classroom or community?

We have partnered with the good folks at GOOD DOCS for educational and community screening distribution of YOUTH v GOV.

This award-winning film is now available for licenses to the following:

  • Universities, Four-Year Colleges, Community Colleges

  • Law Schools

  • K-12 Educational Facilities

  • Nonprofit / Community Groups

  • For-Profits / Corporations

  • Religious Groups


Please visit this website for more details about purchasing a license or you can contact the GOOD DOCS team directly.

If you’re interested in hosting the filmmakers for a speaking engagement in conjunction with a screening event, please email the team at Good Talks.




How can I organize a screening of YOUTH v GOV at a high school, college, or university?

You will need to purchase an educational license, which is available for a limited time (14 days) or a perpetual license. If you are wanting to do a public screening, you will need to purchase Public Performance Rights (PPR), which is also available through GOOD DOCS. You can also contact GOOD DOCS for 1-year and 3-year streaming options.

How can I host a screening for a non-profit organization or a private business?

GOOD DOCS is also handling licenses for these requests. Please contact the filmmaking team if you'd like to partner with us on our impact campaign.

Can I purchase a DVD for educational distribution?

DVDs can be ordered through GOOD DOCS.

How can I invite the filmmakers to speak at a screening of YOUTH v GOV?

Please reach out to GOOD DOCS. We are working with them through their GOOD TALKS programming.